
At the same time, I discovered Yoga (from the forms of Desikachar, Iyengar, Nil Hahoutoff), which seems to me a very good complement to give my body and my mind, vitality and balance.

The energy work explored in Wing Chun & that explored in Yoga harmonize very well. I started teaching Wing Chun to children and Yoga to adults quite quickly.

It was at this time that I went to work with Maurice Daubard known as the Yogi of extremes. His teaching gives me the opportunity to learn about Cold Yogaotherwise known as Toumo.

In 2006, I made this incredible trip to Tibet, and I discovered the most amazing landscapes, I met meditators and Toumo practitioners whose beautiful looks will remain forever engraved.

This trip is for me a
true spiritual initiation.


Heaven and Earth, when you are on the “roof of the world”, impose silence and respect, and the quietude of the monasteries calls for calm andhumility.

This trip is for me a true spiritual initiation.

Heaven and Earth, when you are on the “roof of the world”, impose silence and respect, and the quietude of the monasteries calls for calm andhumility.

On my return, I continued on this path ofself-exploration, and in 2008 it led me to my meeting with Eric Baret, whose teaching was to become a veritable revelation for me.

This is first of all a shock, a real upheaval. Kashmir Yoga, as transmitted by Eric Baret (who was a student of Jean Klein), will profoundly modify my understanding of Yoga and will allow me, little by little, to open myself to a tradition which, for me, is without a doubt the one that makes the most sense.

The practice of this yoga and its teaching became obvious.

Theexploration is limitless.

During my career, I have been tought by Blandine Calais-Germain toanatomy for movement, by Elisabeth de Gasquet in pre-natal and post-natal yoga, byMicheline Flak (RYE)Yoga techniques in education, and I have been taught Shiatsu by Shizuto Masunaga.


But above all, I’ve shared this path of Life & exploration with Philippe Condamin who is without measure the most beautiful meeting.

Today I feel totally in agreement with the path I am taking. It took me some time to sort out all the things I like to do and pass on, and I had to leave behind the yoga classes for children, for teenagers, for pregnant women, the relaxation and meditation sessions that I had so much joy in giving.
I now devote myself fully to the transmission of Kashmir Yoga, striving to honor the teachings I have received in the most faithful way.
Dehypnosis is a therapeutic work that uses the codes of the Kashmiri tradition and Wake Free is a program that illustrates the main principles of this tradition.